3 Reasons Why Whisky Really is The New Gin

Remember when, just a few years ago, gin seemed to be everywhere? You had pink gins, fruity gins, sparkly, glittery gins, hell, you even had gin for dogs (non-alcoholic and perfectly safe of course).

If you were a gin fan, it was a great time to be alive, but what about those of us who preferred a different tipple? Well, it simply meant that you had less choice than those after a new kind of gin. Don’t get me wrong, I’m as partial to a gin as the next person, but as you know, it’s whisky we specialise in here at Great Drams. 

So, as it’s whisky that holds a special place in our hearts, why am I talking about gin? Well, because 2025 looks like it’s finally going to be whisky’s time to shine. 

Here’s a look at 3 reasons why whisky really is the new gin. 

Whisky Sales are Up

Despite the fact that Scotch sales for the first half of the year are down in comparison to the same period in 2023, overall whisky sales have increased exponentially over the last decade. 

Whisky/whiskey, is proving very popular across the globe. Scotch, rye, bourbon, Irish whiskey, and Japanese whisky sales have all increased in the last decade, and that isn’t going to change anytime soon. 

In 2025, the global whisky market is also projected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 6.7%. By 2028, the whisky market is expected to be valued at $127 billion, or £101.3 billion. 

Whisky is Trendy

For many years, the stereotype surrounding whisky was that it was an “old man’s drink”. While I’m not exactly a spring chicken, I certainly don’t see myself as an old man quite yet, and neither do my friends and acquaintances. 

Back in 2019, research found that 84% of whisky drinkers began to enjoy whisky before they reached 31 years of age. Furthermore, in Scotland, 17% of these individuals chose whisky as their tipple of choice before their 30th birthday. 

In the US, that trend is also continuing as Millennials are gravitating towards whiskey as opposed to other spirits. In fact, whiskey is the spirit of choice for younger drinkers and is now more popular than vodka. Bourbon is, after all, lighter, sweeter, and mellower than other spirits, making it more suitable for the younger palate. 

Add to that, the fact that shows such as Peaky Blinders have also helped make whisky/whiskey more mainstream, and it’s easy to see why younger drinkers see whisky as trendy and fashionable, and not just a drink for a bunch of old men huddled around the fire in a pub, playing dominoes. 

More Variety

Finally, like when gin first started taking off, whisky drinkers are now spoilt for choice as there are more drams out there to choose from than ever before. 

As well as whisky giants such as Johnnie Walker, Talisker, Jameson, Jack Daniel’s, Jim Bean, Lagavulin, The Dalmore, and so many more, there are also a great deal more award-winning drams from independent bottlers like ourselves here at  GreatDrams.com.

As well as different types of Scotch from different regions, whisky/whiskey drinkers can also choose from Irish whiskey, Japanese whisky, Canadian, Rye, Bourbon, Tennessee, and other types of whisky from across the globe. 

Though not to everybody’s taste, whisky liqueurs are also now much more popular than they used to be. I happened to notice heaps of different ones at a couple of Christmas markets this year, mainly honey-based, and they were actually delicious (I even picked myself up a bottle). Though polarising, peanut butter flavours are also in favour with whisky drinkers, as we have Sheep Dog over here, and Skrewball over in the States. 

If you’d like to learn more about your favourite whiskies, or treat yourself to a wee dram or two over the festive period, head on over to GreatDrams.com and take a look at what we have to offer. 

With an impressive selection of limited-edition, rare, and award-winning whisky, as well as heaps of whisky info on our blog, it’s the perfect spot for any whisky lovers out there.

Tags: new ginWhisky
Picture of Greg


My name is Greg, and I’m a brand strategy consultant, writer, speaker, host and judge specialising in premium spirits. My mission is to experience, share and inspire with everything great about whisky, whiskey, gin, beer and fine dining through my writing, my brand building and my whisky tastings.

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